I saw 2 goats in my dream when I opened my door and stepped out. One is brown and the other one is white. The brown goat ran to a bush at the back of my house. I followed it but it was gone. I felt so sad after. What does it mean.
Dream Interpretation:
Seeing 2 objects in a dream is implying that you are at a point of making a decision or you are in a situation where you will have to make a choice. The goat could be a representation of abundance in your dream. Following one of the 2 goats that appeared in your dream but losing it when it ran to the bush is telling you that you have made a decision about money, career, business, livelihood or the like but you cant seem to figure out what to do after. You feel lost now because you don't know what next steps to take. You might also have regretted a decision that you have made.
Dream Interpretation
I have a friend. Lately, she's always in my dreams. In my dreams, she is a ghost that is always standing before my door or gate. Is this dream about a ghost trying to tell me something?
Dream Interpretation:
Ghosts represent souls trapped in our world because they cannot move on or cross over. When you see a ghost in your dream, It is an indication that you should move on from something and stop holding on to it. Since you are dreaming about your still living friend; however she is a ghost in your dreams standing before your door or gate, your dream is giving you an admonition that if you are still laying hold of her promise where she will help you get an opportunity, you better let go as she will not be able to fulfill that promise and your hopes will be disappointed. Don't get your hopes up because she will fail you.
Dream Interpretation:
Ghosts represent souls trapped in our world because they cannot move on or cross over. When you see a ghost in your dream, It is an indication that you should move on from something and stop holding on to it. Since you are dreaming about your still living friend; however she is a ghost in your dreams standing before your door or gate, your dream is giving you an admonition that if you are still laying hold of her promise where she will help you get an opportunity, you better let go as she will not be able to fulfill that promise and your hopes will be disappointed. Don't get your hopes up because she will fail you.
I dreamed that I went out of the house and was surprised to realize that
it's autumn. There are a lot of fallen leaves in my yard. I walked on
them while feeling the cool wind on my skin. What does autumn in dreams mean?
Dream Interpretation:
When leaves fall there is no way that they can be attached back to where they used to be. Therefore, to dream about autumn or to see fallen leaves in dreams is
an indication that something that was gone will not come back anymore
so, you have to totally let go of it whatever it is. On the other hand, a
new bunch of leaves will start growing again after sometime...in
another season. Probably whatever was lost will have the chance to
relive or rekindle but in a different light.
Coffee Shop, Jacket and Scarf

I had a dream at 5 am in the morning where my boyfriend and I are in a coffee shop. He is very happy. He talks about things that I failed to remember upon waking up. One thing I noticed is that he was wearing a black stylish jacket and a brown scarf. BTW, me and him are in a cool off stage right now. What does this dream mean? - Freda
Dream Interpretation:
A coffee shop is a place where people usually go to talk about things over a cup of coffee. It seems, the two of you have issues to settle before things can flow smoothly in the relationship. The black stylish jacket he is wearing symbolizes how you think he is guarding himself or his own emotions. You might also be suspecting that he is keeping things from you.
Remember, color black in dreams represents mysteries, secrets, the feeling of mourning and so on. At the back of your mind, you might be hoping that he is feeling sad about your current situation. Color brown in dreams represents practicality; hence, the brown scarf he is wearing may be telling you that he thinks he has to be practical, and that is why he chose to do things that will best suit his needs.
Since you are in a cool off mode at present, your dream might be indicating that you have this wish that he will contact you soon and that the two of you can talk things over; whether to start all over again, or simply for the sake of getting a closure.
Faceless Person

Dream Interpretation:
Face in dreams is a symbol of identity. When you see a faceless person in your dream, it may mean that there is a person that confuses you. He or she may be showing you mixed signals and you fail to identify the real intention of this person up to this moment.
At times, dreaming of a faceless person can be a reflection of how confused you are about yourself and your direction in life. You might also have this feeling that other people fail to appreciate you.
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Shopping for Shoes with Celebrity

Dream Interpretation
To dream of an actor symbolizes fame. You might have the desire to be well-known or you might be doing something that will invite fame into your life. The shoes symbolize getting ready for something. We wear these stuff when we are going outside or if we are going to travel, whether long or short. The thought of travelling might have crossed your mind lately.
To shop for shoes with a famous actor may mean that you are about to face things that involves career moves and success. You have to be careful with your choice. Wrong choice of shoes can be the make or break of a certain journey.
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Elevator and Country Side

Dream Interpretation:
To see an elevator in dreams signifies your desire to quickly rise to status and/or wealth. This may also mean that you might have risen to a higher level of consciousness and are looking at the world from an elevated viewpoint. When you saw a beautiful countryside on top of the house but you are feeling in your dream, it may be saying that in real life, you are doing some soul searching.
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Dream Interpretation:
You may say it's funny but dreams such as this one sometimes occur when you are aware that the security of your house is weak. It might be because some repairs must be done but may have been delayed; or there might be parts of the house that have some damages but you think you are not capable of getting them done for some reasons. These things make you feel unsecured.
On the other hand, it might also mean that you are feeling like the situations in your life at present are giving you misery. It may also mean that you have fears that your secrets are about to come out in the open. Another dream interpretation for window is you might have this feeling that your privacy is being violated or some people in your waking life are interfering on matters they have no business with. These are some of the meaning of windows in dreams.
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House On Fire

Dream Interpretation:
Houses in dreams may signify present situations the dreamer is in. To see your house on fire may be representing a difficult situation, particularly something which involves your household or family. It may symbolize hardships that you and your family are experiencing. However, when you saw that you helped each other in putting out the fire may mean that you know something is already at work and these hardships that your household is experiencing will soon end. Problems will be resolved if you will help each other out.
To see the walls of your house charred although they stood still, and that none of your belongings were burned, means that these difficult situations will not bring you down. This dream where you saw that your house is on fire does not really convey a bad message; instead, it conveys a message of hope and overcoming problems with the help of the people around you. This is the meaning of dreams about burning houses.
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Furniture and Couches

Dream Interpretation:
Your dream about furniture and couches is a representation of your thoughts on how you can improve your business. You wanted to make some changes and you may want to start literally by changing how the place looks like. Adding couches may mean that you desire more people to come to your business. Probably more clients, but since your business is a computer shop, the couches may mean you desire to get more clients through another source of income, which has a connection with your current business.
Now, if it is precognizant dream, moving furniture in dreams means you will soon experience some improvements in your business. Adding couches means more clients or projects will come your way. The couches you added which look like old ones may mean that there will be no big change but only some sort of innovation which may signify that if your business was prospering before, you will experience that again. This will result to satisfaction on your part.
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