
I saw 2 goats in my dream when I opened my door and stepped out. One is brown and the other one is white. The brown goat ran to a bush at the back of my house. I followed it but it was gone. I felt so sad after. What does it mean.

Dream Interpretation:

Seeing 2 objects in a dream is implying that you are at a point of making a decision or you are in a situation where you will have to make a choice. The goat could be a representation of abundance in your dream. Following one of the 2 goats that appeared in your dream but losing it when it ran to the bush is telling you that you have made a decision about money, career, business, livelihood or the like but you cant seem to figure out what to do after. You feel lost now because you don't know what next steps to take. You might also have regretted a decision that you have made.

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